Friday, December 23, 2011

The Winter of Our Love

Remember in the spring when our love,

Was so sparkly fresh and clean,

Everything we did was perfect,

Nothing could ever come between,

From that budding of our love,

Which later fueled our lust,

We were united against the world,

But with each other willing to adjust,

That summer our love deepened,

It became full and rich and ripe,

We wrote poems and sang songs,

You were such the romantic type,

I couldn’t get enough of you,

You were my very best friend,

We shared our hearts and our world,

We believed love would never end,

Then came the falling autumn leaves,

As we harvested the love we planted,

But because life kept us on the go, 

We took each other for granted,

It was a time to look back and contemplate,

To see if all of our goals were met,

We realized there was much more to life,

And we hadn’t reached it yet,

Then came the harshness of love,

When all warmth was met by ice,

There was utter chaos in our lives,

And our love did not suffice,

Winter brought our love near death,

Which promoted worries and fear,

We were anxious to recreate our youth,

And hold on to all that was dear,

Winter changed our outward mien,

Though my heart yet held desire,

I thought a younger woman might hold me tight,

But she couldn’t light my fire,

My winter love waited alone,

Until finally you went on your way,

If you return there’s love I would give,

If your ice will melt away,

Remember the goals we shared,

As we reaped the dreams of gold,

We thought spring would always be here,

And we would never grow old,

Through the years our lives have changed,

We didn’t feed the fire and let our hearts grow cold,

If we once again let our imaginations flame,

We might rekindle what grew old.

1 comment:

  1. this is great. i like how you use the changing of the seasons to mirror the changing of the relationship.

    thanks for visiting my blog! it was nice to be able to find yours!


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