Friday, February 1, 2013

Our Valentine Tree

Our Valentine Tree
We fell in love on Valentine’s Day.
The minute you laughed I knew.
I was destined to be yours, my love,
And I would be blessed with you.

We planted our special tree that year.
We cleared away the snow.
You insisted our love would always be strong
And you wanted the whole world to know.

You’re in my thoughts again, my love,
I imagine you under our tree.
Remember all the pledges we made,
And the passion between you and me?

The years passed by rather fast,
Then our kids were grown and gone.
We were there in our empty house,
Still together but each all alone.

My heart grew hard and I forgot our tree,
I insisted it blocked my view.
I was determined to chop it down,
Without even telling you.

It was early morning on Valentine’s Eve,
When I approached our special tree.
I was shocked and pleased with what I saw,
Then ashamed of the heart in me.

Instead of the tree being stark and bare,
Pink and red covered the tree.
Valentines and notes from all our years,
Proclaimed your love for me.

My love had been erratic.
There was little that I could boast.
But you were there as you always were,
Just when I needed you most.

My dreams and heart were renewed, my love,
By the valentines that covered our tree.
There was only one thing I could say,
“I’m glad you married me!”

I miss all you gave, my love,
And the tenderness you showed to me.
I want our love to be clear each year,
 As I hang valentines on our tree.

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