Wednesday, November 3, 2010

With Love and Power

Your Lights Throb With Love and Power
Our emotional lights are wired differently,
I love how you glow so full and free,
Your lights throb with love and power,
Making the world softer each hour,
Yours are more delicate than mine,
If one of your lights goes out,
Your lights don’t shine,
My lights continue to glow,
If I lose a few, I’m good to go,
My emotions don’t pulse the same way,
But I’ll be constant day after day,
Trying to glow so that you can see,
Loving you my own way is the key,
Together we can glow more brightly,
But however we want our lights to be,
I can’t be you and you can’t be me.

1 comment:

  1. ... and this is what it is to be human.

    I like your new blog template, Dan. Good luck with it.

    Just a thought: Did you mean to restrict comments to only those who have Google accounts? I'm glad I have one so that I can comment on your blog.

    I appreciate your well-considered comments on my blog. Thank you!


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